Zuzana Korinkova with major gains… I mean guns.
An Area Orion female muscle morph.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Calling ALL Female Muscle Fans
Via @KittysDD - I spoke with some people about this new development in the Female Bodybuilding world, as it was recently announced that there is no longer FBB at the Arnold…Ms International as it was called!!
I am an experienced 10 yr veteran promoter with the NPC , Judge and Competitor. I know what it takes to promote a successful Bodybuilding Event and I think the promoters of these events are caving… as a promoter, YOU get to decide what events you want, and how your event will be run, and how they money gets spent. Unless you are playing political games, kiss ass games, or whatever is needed to try and suck up to people in higher positions, all of course with intentions to be engraciated to them later down the road. Of course all this leads to the political games which undermines the foundation, which is exactly what has happened with the Bodybuilding Sport. There is nothing wrong with growing and expanding the arena, but to actually bad mouth the sport that gave those same people a JOB…a show to be promoter of… and a show to sell your products to the athletes of that very sport….
I venture to say that all the FBB fans need to abandon their fruitless efforts with the people who do not care, and join together and support a new FBB Federation. Its just that plain and simple.
Kat Connors - Female Bodybuilder
Via @KittysDD - I spoke with some people about this new development in the Female Bodybuilding world, as it was recently announced that there is no longer FBB at the Arnold…Ms International as it was called!!
I am an experienced 10 yr veteran promoter with the NPC , Judge and Competitor. I know what it takes to promote a successful Bodybuilding Event and I think the promoters of these events are caving… as a promoter, YOU get to decide what events you want, and how your event will be run, and how they money gets spent. Unless you are playing political games, kiss ass games, or whatever is needed to try and suck up to people in higher positions, all of course with intentions to be engraciated to them later down the road. Of course all this leads to the political games which undermines the foundation, which is exactly what has happened with the Bodybuilding Sport. There is nothing wrong with growing and expanding the arena, but to actually bad mouth the sport that gave those same people a JOB…a show to be promoter of… and a show to sell your products to the athletes of that very sport….
I venture to say that all the FBB fans need to abandon their fruitless efforts with the people who do not care, and join together and support a new FBB Federation. Its just that plain and simple.
Kat Connors - Female Bodybuilder
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Artist Spotlight on FemXMan

• What do preferred to be called?
Depends on who's asking, Double Chocolate has become popular amongst my female friends. Seriously. ;)
• When and where were you born?
I'm a Canuck, or Canadian if you will and I'm 28 1/4.
• What are your interests, hobbies or passions?
Woman, bodybuilding, arts, video games, rock climbing, bouldering, trail riding, dirt jumping, flatland BMX, swimming. I do a lot of activities, oh and dating... It's starting to feel like a hobby now because I do it so often, geez.
• Do you have a job other than producing your artwork?
Climbing instructor.
• How long have you been an artist?
Since I've been able to talk to birds...
• What artists have influenced you?
In regards to the current subject matter, at the beginning of all this was David C. Mathews, Wreck Shop and Zebodoy. But as I got better that changed. Now I like the art of Zebodoy and Stef.
• What type of artwork do you create
In regards to this subject matter, adult oriented extreme female bodybuilders.
• What is your preferred medium?
Pens and Markers, I love it. Digitally as of late I've been trying to emulate that look with my illustrations.
• Do you have a favorite subject matter?
Sex, hands down. Does that count? I'll be honest, I'm a very passionate and horny guy like 90% of the time. That's why I date so much, it's not easy trying to find one. My current mission is to date an fbb but that's proving to be difficult mainly because I don't go to a gym and that's where they are... But whatever if that happens I'll have quite a bit of inspiration for my favorite subject matter.
• Is there something that makes your artwork special?
I push mass and vascularity to the extreme. I like extreme it seems.
• Who or what are your inspirations?
Just bodybuilding in general, or to be more accurate muscles. Muscles look sexy, especially on a woman.
• Can you describe your creation process and technique:
Sometimes I can just be searching the net for some other kind of reference or organizing my library and come across a picture. Then my imagination just runs wild and I take it from there. Start to sketch and if I like it I refine it and if it continues to work then I'll finish it.
• Was there one artwork or event that was a turning point in your career? Why?
Nope, I'm not there yet. Need more experience and learning lessons. This art is taboo with a specific audience kind of like actual fbb's. F*ck! You know if I saw them out in public like regular people it would so be a different ball game, but I digress. If I become more active in the bodybuilding community then I might be able to merge this persona into my own. But I'm not holding my breath on that one.
• Is there one of your own works that's a personal favorite? Why?
No. As to why not, well because my art keeps improving so a week later I might not like it any more.
• Do you have any future plans or ideas you can tell us about?
I've always been meaning to do some type of comic, but I have to weigh what it's worth and collaborate with a writer. If anybody it would be Mr. Shhh. Awefilm's approached me awhile back about a comic or something, but as of late I've been giving it thought as to how I can make it work more in my favor.
• Anything else you would like to add?
To get good at something, you have to put in work, that's what separates an exception individual from an average one. I'm not just talking about art, I mean anything you do.
Also, most men who love female bodybuilders keep it hush hush. It's so black and white, no shade of gray. Not me though, I put it out there that I'm looking for my hunky flower. :) Haha.
To see more of FemXMan's artwork, visit his blog at http://femxgirlsreloaded.blogspot.com or his DeviantArt page.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Big 5 0 0
Sudsy, sexy glamour model Jordan Carver brings in the special double-sized Sample500HA0613. Rub-a-dub-dub, make room for one more in the tub :)
An Area Orion breast expansion morph.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Muscle Advertising
By Real Female Bodybuilding - A history of female bodybuilder ads from Kimberley Anne Jones VW Vento posters to todays Rene Campbell and Tamara Makar Tango commercials and Jelena Abbou MAC cosmetics campaigns. More >>
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Yvette Bova is already a living morph, but we like to push the boundaries a little more.
An Area Orion female muscle and breast expansion morph.
An Area Orion female muscle and breast expansion morph.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Here's female bodybuilder @ReneCampbellfbb in the latest TV spot for Tango.
She says, "The series of tango ads have been causing a bit of a stir in the bodybuilding community. From what I've seen and heard, there are mixed feelings about it. I don't see that there is any harm in them at all.
They are meant to be "HUMOROUS"!!!. They are not meant to demean the bodybuilding community.
Tango have been renowned for coming up with controversial ads so
that it gets people talking. Well they have certainly achieved just
that! Whoever did their ad campaign knows their stuff.
Of course there will be negative comments - but let's be honest -
society is so bored that they will find fault in just about anything.
I see it as a good thing - getting bodybuilding into the public
eye. Life is way too serious - people need to chill out and lighten up a
little. " - Rene Campbell
Heavy Weight Beauty
Bianca Beauchamp is back in the gym and pounding the weights.
Busty women working out - two of my favorite things.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Petition to Save Ms. International
http://chn.ge/12ivk07 Please
support the sport of female #bodybuilding - if the Ms International is
allowed to die without a murmur of protest then it is likely that female
bodybuilding and female physique competitions will also disappear from
the world's sporting agenda forever. This is unfair, sexist, and will
have a detrimental effect on all female muscle sports from powerlifting
to fitness and bikini competitions. The latter will simply become beauty
competitions of the kind we thought had died out decades ago. Arnold
Schwarzenegger - the figurehead of the IFBB - built his life and
considerable fortune on bodybuilding and it is only fair that female
bodybuilders be given the same opportunity.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Arnold dumps Female Bodybuilding
The Arnold Classic 212 (a new men's division) will replace the Ms. International women’s
bodybuilding competition at the Arnold Sports Festival. The Ms.
International was part of the Arnold Sports Festival for 25 years, with
Iris Kyle winning her record seventh title in 2013.
“The Arnold Sports Festival was proud to support women’s
bodybuilding through the Ms. International for the past quarter
century,” Lorimer said. “But in keeping with demands of our fans, the
time has come to introduce the Arnold Classic 212 beginning in 2014. We
are excited to create a professional competitive platform for some of
the IFBB Pro League’s most popular competitors.” - Arnold Sports Festival
A decline in Female Bodybuilding has been a sign-of-the-times, but I expected more from The Arnold.
Heather Armbrust Spotlight
I grew up in a small town in Nebraska called Cozad. Tiny. Oddly, I was never into athletics. I was much more arts than athletic. I got into bodybuilding around 12 years old after being introduced to the local gym owner who happened to be a female competitor. If it wasn't for that meeting I most likely wouldn't be who I am today. From then on I loved the look of muscles on a body as apposed to the skinny "in" look. I never have been much of a follower anyhow and would rather do my own thing than be just one little piece of a team.
When I graduated from high school I moved straight to Denver.. to get out of Nebraska mainly. I loved Denver after spending a lot of time here as a child and it made a great home for the next three years. I abruptly made a horrible choice in 98 to drop out of school and move to Texas.I lived in Houston, San Antonio, and then last, Dallas before getting back to what I call home. I moved back to Colorado in 01. Although I had a good start in Texas with bodybuilding it just wasn't the place for me. Denver has been more of a home to me than Nebraska ever was and I grew up there!
I am very settled and looking forward to the future. There are lots of changes in store for me personally. I personal train and then do consulting with my boyfriend, Dylan. Love working with other competitors. Weekends keep me busy with Dylan's kids, Hanna and Zach. That has been one of the most rewarding challenges for me yet. (info may be a little old)
See more of Heather at heatherarmbrust.com, Facebook and Twitter

I am very settled and looking forward to the future. There are lots of changes in store for me personally. I personal train and then do consulting with my boyfriend, Dylan. Love working with other competitors. Weekends keep me busy with Dylan's kids, Hanna and Zach. That has been one of the most rewarding challenges for me yet. (info may be a little old)
See more of Heather at heatherarmbrust.com, Facebook and Twitter
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Cindy Says...
What do Female Bodybuilders & Fitness Models think of their Area Orion morphs? Here's what Cindy Landolt said.
"I love it...you did a fantastic Job ((((-; (i think i not only want big boobs now, i also want to get bigger all over lol)" - Cindy
"I love it...you did a fantastic Job ((((-; (i think i not only want big boobs now, i also want to get bigger all over lol)" - Cindy
Monday, June 3, 2013
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