Ever since the Incredible Hulk appeared in the pages of Marvel comics, people have dreamt of growing instant, explosive muscles, tearing their shirts off and going “Green”. Hulk Hogan added to this and tore his shirt off before each wrestling match. Even Clark Kent rips open his shirt to reveal Superman beneath. This process is copied by most 5 year old boys.
Enter the female bodybuilder to take it to the next level. Put on a shirt too small, add a web cam and flex until the shirt is ripped to threads. The effect is very primal and quite explosive, like a gamma bomb.
Annie Rivieccio was one of the first to “Hulk Out” but many have followed. The Shirt Rippers Blog listed their “Hulking Out Power Rankings” for women in this genre. The top spot goes to Mz. Devious aka Danni. She explains the process “I stuff my pecs into a tight blouse, button myself in and watch as my chest expands close up… ripping off each button (hands free hulk out) the buttons go pop pop pop and hit the walls, the camera and take flight! then shredding the shirt , like a paper shredder….”. Her latest hulk out video became the #1 top selling clip in just a few days. Other Hulksters on the rankings list include Laurie Steel, Florina Visan, Oana Hreapca and of course Annie.
From the 5 year old that’s still inside us… thanks Hulk!