Why do I keep signing up for new Social Networks. Lord knows I don't have the time. Maybe it stems back to getting banned from DeviantArt... twice (although I'm still there suckas). I get fired up when someone tries to censor me and I want to put my stuff out to reach as many people as possible. Anyway, I've signed up for a few new sights that you can also reach me at. This blog is my true home now and the main source for new info and pics.
FBBfan.com: Like Facebook for bodybuilders and fans. Interact with FBB and fitness women. Just don't be a dick.
Twitter: I don't have anything interesting to say in 140 characters or less, but I'll try.
Grouply: A site to manage & interact with Yahoo & Google Groups. Don't find a great need for it, but I'm there if you want to be my friend.